I’ve been fly fishing Utah waters since I was a teenager. When I was younger, it was a reason to ditch school, haul in some fish with friends, and relax. In my late 20s, I took a small break from it but recaptured my love and enthusiasm in my 30s. As I’ve grown older, my relationship with fly fishing has changed and deepened. It is now a religious experience to me that connects me to something larger than myself. It relinquishes me from day-to-day anxiety. It gives me purpose and meaning. And, I love teaching the art to others who might get the same things from it as I have.
So, I started Hatch Academy to teach the art of dry fly fishing and its therapeutic nature. I believe that when you are dry fly fishing, you connect to the environment around you unlike any other experience around, even if you aren’t catching fish. It is an immersive experience that will last you a lifetime, and if you are lucky, you’ll get to share that joy with others just like I do.
Hatch Academy will craft a unique experience for each angler that works with your individual skill level, moves at a comfortable pace, and achieves your individual fly fishing goals. So that when you’re ready, you can load up your rod, reel, and gear on a random Thursday and hit the water with confidence and self-sufficiency.
So let’s get outside together!